Isolation of nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria from tea rhizosphere and evaluation of their inoculum effect on soil properties and plant yield

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


1 Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Soil Science Department, Gilan University, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Soil Science Department, Gilan University, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor of Tea Country Research Institute, Lahijan, Iran.


Background and objectives: Considering the high demand for tea in Iran and the insufficient local production, the use of chemical fertilizers to enhance production per unit area is increasing. The long-term use of chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, in tea gardens has led to soil acidification which in turn impacted the soil quality and health. Therefore, searching for an alternative method that is as efficient as chemical fertilizers and compensates for the disadvantages caused by the excessive use of chemical fertilizers is essential in tea gardens nutrition
Materials and methods: In this research, native nitrogen-fixing (Azospirillum) and phosphorus solubilizing rhizobacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of tea plants and then used as biofertilizers for cultivation of Chinese hybrid tea seedlings at tea research center in 1400 under pot experiment. This experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement and three replications. The factors include pH of soil at two levels (4.65 and 5.21), and fertilizer treatments at five levels including blank (B), control; where chemical fertilizer was applied based on soil analysis (C), nitrogen fixing bacteria was applied as biofertilizer (BN), phosphorus solubilizing bacteria was applied as biofertilizer (BP), and nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria were applied as biofertilizer (BNP). After three months of tea planting, the effect of applied biofertilizers on soil biochemical characteristics and yield of tea plant were investigated.
Results: The soil pH values in all treatments that received biofertilizers were higher than that of the blank and control treatments. The highest and the lowest soil nitrogen (N) content were observed in BNP and B treatments, respectively. The highest content of soil phosphorus (P) was observed in BNP treatments, which P content in this treatment with BN was not significantly different. The soil available potassium content in treatments that receiving bio and chemical fertilizers did not show a statistically significant difference. The highest and the lowest values of fresh weight, dry weight and yield were observed in BNP and B treatments, respectively. The highest content of N and P in plant were observed in BNP (4.8%) and BP (0.24%) treatments, respectively. The potassium content of plant in treatments that received biofertilizers was lower than B, while the potassium content in all biofertilizer treatments were higher than that of the control.
Conclusion: In this study biofertilizer treatments, Azospirillum and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, increased the nitrogen and phosphorus contents in tea plant and soil, respectively. Since these bacteria improved plant growth and soil properties, it seems that native rhizobacteria isolated from tea rhizosphere have the potential to be used as biofertilizers in tea gardens in line with sustainable agriculture. Although, long term investigation during the several growth periods and different seasons of the year is needed for further evaluations.


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