Distribution of chemical forms of zinc, copper and nickel in relation to physischo-chemical characteristics in some calcareous soils of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


1 Master student, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran.


Background and objectives: Zinc, copper and nickel are classified as micronutrients in plant nutrition and as trace elements in environmental chemistry. These elements are essential for plants and organisms, but they cause toxicity in high concentrations. The main mechanisms of entering these elements into the food chain is the soil-plant pathway. Trace elements are present in soil in different forms with different solubility. Determining the fractions of these elements reveals more precise information about their status, and the probability of their deficiency or toxicity in long period, and in the case of changing environmental conditions. Fractionation sequence is a procedure for determining different forms of elements.
Materials and methods: The present study was conducted on 13 calcareous soil samples around Yasuj. The samples were selected from virgin and agricultural fields without pervious application of trace elements fertilizers, and were not contaminated trace elements. Different forms of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) were successively extracted with F1) distilled water (soluble), F2) neutral one molar ammonium acetate (Exchangeable|), F3) one molar ammonium acetate with pH 5 (Carbonatic); F4) 0.04 molar hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH.HCl) in 25% v/v of acetic acid with a pH of 3 (FeMn-oxid associated); F5) 30% hydrogen peroxide (pH 2) with 5 ml of 0.3 M NH4OAc ammonium acetate in 20% by volume of nitric acid (OM associated); and F6) 7 M nitric acid (Residual) in duplicate and were measured with atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Results: Water extractable zinc, copper and nickel; and neutral NH4OAc extractable copper and nickel were not detectable in the studied soil samples. Neutral NH4OAc extractable zinc was detected in 5 soil samples. The abundance of zinc, copper and nickel chemical forms were as follows: Zn- NH4OAc pH 7< NH4OAc pH 5 Zn< H2O2 Zn< NH2OH.HCl- Zn< HNO3- Zn; H2O2 Cu Conclusion: The present study showed that the amount of trace elements is generally less than 100 mg/kg and most of these elements exist in residual or stable form. An increase of calcium carbonate can be associated with a decrease in the total amount of these elements and cause their deficiency.


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