Author = Baranimotlagh, Mojtaba
Effect of double and triple composites prepared by zeolite-chitosan-biochar on some soil mechanical properties

Volume 14, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 103-117


Maryam Salahedin; Farshad Kiani; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh; Elham Malekzadeh; HamidReza Asgari

Green synthesis and characterization of iron nano carbon dot fertilizer and its incubation study in a calcareous soil

Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 1-26


Yasman Zilabpour; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh; Mohammad Rafieinia; Elham Bidram; Mojtaba Yahyaabadi

Interactive effect of salicylic acid and nitrogen application management on wheat growth and yield in saline soils- A case study in Anbar Olum, Golestan province

Volume 11, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 149-164


Ghasem Ghorbani Nasrabadi; Esmael Dordipour; Mojtaba Barani motlagh; Elham Malekzadeh; Abdolreza Gharanjiki

Effect of iron impregnated wheat straw and particleboard biochar on the iron uptake and growth of two soybean cultivars in a calcareous soil

Volume 10, Issue 1, May 2020, Pages 83-100


Jalal-e-din Khallizadeh; Esmael Dordipour; Mojtaba Baranimotlgh; Abdolreza Gharanjiki

Effect of organic amendments (biochar and manure) on Metribuzin adsorbtion and leaching in sandy loam soil

Volume 9, Issue 2, July 2019, Pages 137-150


Kolsoom Abdollahi; Alireza Movahedi Naeini; Mojtaba BaraniMotlagh; Pooneh Ebrahimi; Gorbanali Roshani

Impact of application method and different levels of humic acid on vegetative growth parameters and yield components of canola (Brassica napus L.)

Volume 7, Issue 3, December 2018, Pages 1-17


taleb nazari; Mojtaba Baranimotlagh; esmael dordipour; Reza Ghorbani Nasrabadi; Somayeh Sefidgar shahkolaie

The effect of copper slag application along with organic compounds on DTPA extractable Iron and some properties of a calcareous soil

Volume 8, Issue 3, December 2018, Pages 41-60


Elham Mirparizi; Mojtaba Baranimotlagh; Seyed Alireza MovahediNaein; Reza Ghorbani Nasrabadi; Bakhtiari Somayeh

Interactive effect of iron and lead on growth and their uptake in Cress (Lepidium sativum L.)

Volume 5, Issue 4, March 2016, Pages 41-59

Esmael Dordipour; Mohammad Alidadi Khaliliha; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh

Ammonium sorption rate by some soils series of Golestan province

Volume 4, Issue 3, December 2014, Pages 287-304

Safiye Charkazi; Esmael Dordipour; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh; Saeed Nasrolanezhad